This item in the consolidated comprehensive profit and loss statement is broken down as follows:

The decrease in personnel costs can be explained by the contingency plans that the Group put in place to alleviate the fall in business due to Covid-19. Mainly these consisted of temporary layoffs, due to force majeure or productive reasons, and voluntary reductions in working days and wages.

The saving recorded in 2020, as a result of the subsidies or allowances received from Governments to offset the restrictive measures taken, was approximately 36,932 thousand euros in wages and salaries and 15,795 thousand euros in social security contributions.

The average number of people employed by the Parent Company and the companies consolidated through full consolidation in the year broken down by professional category was as follows:

In calculating the average number of employees, the Group has not taken into account employees whose contracts have a duration of less than two days.

The breakdown of the personnel at 31 December, by sex and professional category, is as follows:

The average number of people with disabilities equivalent to or greater than 33%, directly employed by the Parent Company and fully consolidated companies in Spain in 2019 and 2018, broken down by professional categories, is as follows:

As mentioned above, throughout 2020, the Group has had to act to alleviate the serious consequences of Covid-19 on its business and results. With this objective, the Company, always with the maxim of protecting long-term employment as much as possible, has launched a contingency plan to temporarily reduce its workforce and, consequently, adjust its personnel costs to the reality of the business , through contract suspensions, reductions in working hours, request for extraordinary subsidies available in some countries, cancellations of vacancies and / or other measures taken according to the labour legislation in each country.

Almost all of the workforce (86%), in all professional categories, has been affected by some of these measures, affecting men and women equally.

The average number of people with disabilities equivalent to or greater than 33%, directly employed by the Parent Company and fully consolidated companies in Spain in the year, broken down by professional category, is as follows:

The average age of the Group’s workforce was approximately 39.7 and average seniority in the Group was 9 years (39 years and 9 years respectively in 2019).