Corporate responsability report
Our presence in the world 2017
General framework of the annual report and the corporate responsibiltiy report
Message of the chairman and the CEO
Our business
Ethics and corporate governance
Vision and strategy
A responsible and sustainable company
Responsible Commitment Plan 2017-2019
Responsible Business
Awards and recognitions in 2017
Corporate responsibility reporting criteria and indicators
Principles governing the preparation of the Corporate Responsibility Report
Materiality analysis
GRI standards content index
Consolidated financial statements and management report
Independent auditors’ report on consolidated financial statements
Consolidated balance sheets
Consolidated comprehensive profit and loss statements
Statements of changes in consolidated shareholders’ equity
Consolidated cash flow statements
Report on the consolidated financial statements
1. Activity and composition of the parent company
2. Basis of presentation of the consolidated financial statements and consolidation principles
3. Proposed distribution of profits
4. Valuation standards
5. Earnings per share
6. Goodwill
7. Intangible assets
8. Property, plant & equipment
9. Investments valued using the equity method
10. Non-current financial investments
11. Non-current assets held for sale, liabilities linked to non-current assets held for sale and discontinued operations
12. Trade receivables
13. Cash and cash equivalents
14. Equity
15. Debt in respect of bond issues and bank borrowings
16. Other non-current liabilities
17. Provisions for risks and charges
18. Tax note
19. Commercial creditors and other accounts payable
20. Information on deferred payments to suppliers
21. Other current liabilities
22. Third-party guarantees and claims in progress
23. Long-term incentive plan
24. Income and expenses
25. Related party transactions
26. Information by segments
27. Remuneration and other statementes made by the board of directors and senior management
28. Events after the reporting period
29. Information on environmental policy
30. Exposure to risk
Appendix I: Subsidiaries
Appendix II: Associates
Consolidated management report
Annual corporate governance report
Annual report of the audit and control committee of NH GROUP, S.A.
Auditors’ report on the information relating to the system of internal control over financial reporting (ICFR)
Annual report 2017
Consolidated financial statements 2017