

Investee company Registered address of investee company Main activity of the investee company Parent company's % stake in investee company % of voting rights controlled by parent company
Borokay Beach, S.L. Madrid Hotel business 50% 50%
Consorcio Grupo Hotelero T2, S.A. de C.V. Mexico city Hotel business 10% 10%
Inmobiliaria 3 Poniente, S.A. de C.V. Puebla Hotel business 27% 27%
Mil Novecientos Doce, S.A. de C.V. Mexico Hotel business 25% 25%
Losan Investment, Ltd. London Hotel business 30% 30%
Sotocaribe, S.L. Madrid Holding 36% 36%
Hotelera del Mar, S.A.  Mar de Plata Hotel business 20% 20%
Hotel & Congress Technology, S.L. Madrid Servicios I+D 50% 50%
Beijing NH Grand China Hotel Management Co, Ltd.  Pekin Hotel business 49% 49%

All companies end the year on 31/12/2017
