Annual Report 2014 - Corporate Responsibility - page 30

NH Hotel Group integrates its Corporate
Responsibility commitments in its business and
relationship with stakeholders in order to improve
the management of its activities and create shared
NH has traditionally developed a proactive
relationship with all the groups that are part of its
business and environment, the key stakeholders for
the Group.
With the launch of the new NH and the Group’s
profound transformation process, proactive
interaction, consultation and dialogue with
stakeholders are more important than ever, so that
we can continue learning about their needs and
The Company conducts satisfaction surveys with
shareholders, customers and employees, and
arranges meetings and encounters with all its
stakeholders. Additionally, the Company is also
active in the social media as a space in which to
interact with customers and society.
The Socially Responsible Investing index, FTSE4Good, was
created by the London Stock Exchange and is designed to help
investors integrate Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG)
factors in their investments. NH Hotel Group became part of this
index in 2013 and, as part of the review process in 2014, areas
for improvement and new opportunities for the Company were
identified. These will allow the Company to continue evolving in
the responsible management of the business.
Carbon Disclosure
Project, CDP
NH Hotel Group obtained the best rating in the CDP reference
index and became the leading hotel company in terms of climate
change management and the best rated in Europe (97 or A-),
ahead of leading companies in the sector.
Ethibel Excellence
Investment Register
NH Hotel Group has been included in this index of leading
companies in Corporate Social Responsibility within their
respective sectors. Being part of this prestigious register
highlights the Company’s good performance, above average in
the sector, and promotes Socially Responsible Investment (SRI)
amongst investors and funds.
Dialogue with stakeholders • Socially Responsible Investment
NH Collection Grand Hotel Convento di Amalfi
Amalfi, Italy
G4-24, G4-25, G4-26, G4-27
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