Annual Report 2015 - Corporate Responsibility - page 32

NH Hotel Group engages in active and effective dialogue with its stakeholders
through multiple channels and formats in order to keep up-to-date of new
demands and needs, and better respond to customers’ concerns and opinions.
The Company conducts satisfaction surveys with customers and employees, and
arranges regular meetings and encounters with other stakeholders, including
shareholders, suppliers, employee’s representatives and third-sector agents.
Additionally, the presence in the social media is key as a space for dialogue and
interaction with customers and society.
The FTSE4Good index, created by the London Stock Exchange, was designed
to help investors integrate Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) factors
in their investment decisions. NH Hotel Group became part of this index in 2013
and in 2015 renewed its presence once again, with the identification of areas for
improvement and new opportunities. These will allow the Company to continue
its presence in the index thanks to the responsible management of the business.
Ethibel Excellence Investment register
NH Hotel Group remains in this index of leading companies in Corporate Social
Responsibility in different sectors. Being part of this index highlights the
Company’s good performance above the average in the sector, and promotes
Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) amongst investors and funds.
Carbon Disclosure Project, CDP
NH Hotel Group has obtained the highest performance rating in CDP’s Climate
Change Programme 2015, which recognises the efforts made by leading global
companies to help stop climate change. Of all the companies nominated for this
edition, NH Hotel Group is among the 5% that will be included in the Climate A
list, which is prepared at the request of 822 investors representing over one third
of the world’s invested capital.
Swych Restaurant
NH Collection Doelen
Amsterdam, The Netherlands
GRI G4-24; G4-25; G4-26; G4-27
1...,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31 33,34,35,36,37,38,39,40,41,42,...62
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