This Consolidated Non-Financial Information 2021 (hereinafter SNFI or “the Report”) is presented as a separate report and constitutes part of the Consolidated Directors’ Report 2021 of NH Hotel Group. It deals extensively with the Company’s Responsible Business Strategy, NH ROOM4 Sustainable Business, concentrating in a single document:
- The Company’s response to the legal requirements of Act 11/2018, of December 28th, 2018, concerning non-financial and diversity reporting, as well as EU directive 2017/C215/01 for reporting its performance in relation to non-financial information.
- The Sustainable Business Report, which follows the standards of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI).
The SNFI has been drawn up by the Board of Directors of NH Hotel Group on February 24th, 2022, and was signed by all its members, with the specifications resulting from the Directors’ Statement of Responsibility for the purposes of the provisions of article 118.2 of Royal Legislative Decree 4/2015, of October 23rd, approving the Securities Market Act (Consolidating Act), recording the delegation by certain Board members of other Board members to sign on their behalf.
This Report and the previous Sustainable Business Reports are published in digital format and are available at www.nhhotelgroup.com
The definition of the contents of the Report is based on matters that are relevant for the activity of NH Hotel Group and its main stakeholders, based on the Materiality Analysis which is updated each year. The Group has different systems for dialoguing with its stakeholders, which are a source of analysis in defining the relevant content to be included in the report. The results of this communication allow mechanisms to be kept active in order to identify needs, as well as aspects of major relevance to include in the Report, and the monitoring of the commitments and success in dealing with the challenges presented in the previous year.
To carry out the Materiality Analysis, the Company’s strategy and objectives, the NH ROOM4 strategy, and material issues at sector level defined by the Sustainable Hospitality Alliance are taken into account, as well as the main social and sustainability trends and the requirements of different reporting and sustainability frameworks, such as the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and Act 11/2018 on Non-Financial and Diversity Reporting, which responds to Directive 2014/95/EU of the European Parliament . The complete Materiality Analysis can be consulted in the corresponding section of this Report.
* European Union. Directive 2014/95/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council, of October 22nd, 2014, amending Directive 2013/34/EU as regards disclosure of non-financial and diversity information by certain large undertakings and groups.

This Report sets out the sixteenth Annual Sustainable Business Report of NH Hotel Group. It includes the Group’s activity and main results in 2021, including its performance in the economic, environmental and social sphere.
The Report shows NH Hotel Group’s management of the impacts, both positive and negative, that the Company generates, and its scope therefore contemplates two perimeters: consolidated scope (owned and leased hotels) and corporate scope (hotels under ownership, management and lease). It therefore includes information on all the hotels operated by the Company, in other words, hotels operated under ownership, lease and management.
In the case of information referring to the workforce, full-time equivalent (FTE) figures are included for all types of employees (except Outside Labour, Extra Labour and Trainees) considering hotels under ownership, lease, and management based on the data in NH Hotel Group’s ERP SAP HCM management system.
Where the scope of the information varies from the above criteria, this is indicated in a footnote.

* Does not include franchises
The European Green Deal is Europe’s growth strategy that will improve the health and wellbeing of citizens, make Europe climate neutral by 2050 and protect, conserve and enhance natural capital and biodiversity.
The European Union has taken major steps to build a sustainable financial ecosystem. The EU Taxonomy Regulation, Sustainable Finance Disclosure Regulation and the Benchmarks Regulation form the basis for increasing transparency and providing tools that allow investors to determine which investment opportunities are sustainable.
Regulation (EU) 2020/852 (Taxonomy Regulation), sets out the obligation for entities required to publish non-financial information by virtue of Directive 2014/95/UE (NFRD) to include in their Consolidated statements of non-financial information on their environmental criteria, as set out in Annex I of the Delegated Regulation of July 6, 2021. In particular:
- The proportion of revenue coming from products or services related to economic activities that are considered environmentally sustainable (turnover)
- The proportion of total fixed assets (CapEx)
- The proportion of operating expenses related to assets or processes associated with economic activities that are considered environmentally sustainable (OpEx)
The aim of this regulation is to establish the criteria to determine whether an economic activity is considered environmentally sustainable for the purposes of establishing the degree of environmental sustainability of an investment.
For this purpose, NH Hotel Group has analysed all the activities in the taxonomy, among which it has been possible to identify those that are linked to the Company:
- Activity “7.2. Building’s renovations”.
- Activity “7.3. Installation, maintenance and repair of energy-efficient equipment”.

NH Hotel Group has carried out the classification of its activities according to the criteria established by the most recent version of the European taxonomy (Delegated Regulation (EU) 2021/2178 of the Commission of July 6th, 2021) and therefore, none of the eligible activities generates revenue for the company; as a result, the reference indicator related to turnover acquires a value of 0%.
As for CapEx, 6.1% meets the established requisites in relation to climate change mitigation and adaptation.
Finally, in relation to OpEx, it has been determined that the OpEx included in the taxonomy of these activities is not material since it does not exceed 5% of the total 587,210m€, considering the overall personnel and other operating expenses and being the taxonomic OpEx estimated at 27,196m€, as shown in the table of non-capitalized expenses.
For the calculation of the aforementioned indicators, the numerator has been determined based on the control and monitoring records of the 2021 investment budget of the Buildings, Engineering and Maintenance department, and the execution thereof, following the same accounting criteria that govern NH Hotel Group’s financial accounting.
For revenue: The key indicator referring to revenue is calculated as the proportion of income derived from eligible activities (numerator) to total company revenue (denominator). These revenues correspond to those recognized in accordance with International Accounting Standard (IAS) 1, paragraph 82(a), adopted by Commission Regulation (EC) No. 1126/2008. The denominator of this key indicator is shown in Note 25.1: “Revenue” of NH Hotel Group’s 2021 Consolidated Financial Statements.
For the calculation of the CapEx numerator, those activities that meet the eligible criteria according to the taxonomy of the areas involved have been identified first, and the corresponding values have been consolidated. Each eligible activity has only been computed for one area of the company, thus avoiding double accounting of such investments, as indicated in the previous table “Eligible activities of NH Hotel Group”.
In the case of the denominator, additions to tangible and intangible assets, before amortization and possible new valuations, including those resulting from revaluations and impairments, have been included for the year 2021, excluding changes in reasonable value. Additions to tangible and intangible assets resulting from business combinations, if any, would also have been included, covering costs that are accounted for in accordance with IAS 16 – Property, Plant and Equipment, and IFRS 16 – Leases.
In accordance with our consolidated financial statements, total CapEx is shown in Note 7, Note 8 and Note 10 of the Consolidated Financial Statements 2021.
For OpEx: This indicator is defined as the ratio of eligible taxonomic OpEx (numerator) to total taxonomic OpEx (denominator).
This denominator reduces the total operating expenses to non-capitalised direct costs that relate to research and development, building renovation measures, short-term leases, maintenance and repairs, as well as other direct expenses related to the day-to-day maintenance of property, plant and equipment by NH Hotel Group or a third party to whom activities are outsourced and that are necessary to ensure the continued and effective operation of these assets.
On the other hand, the numerator of this indicator would contain the operating expenses included in the denominator that would be allocated to eligible activities. This key indicator is included in Note 25.4 in the maintenance and cleaning expenses line of NH Hotel Group’s 2021 Consolidated Financial Statements.